Friday, December 30, 2011

Successes in 2011

As the year draws to an end I always like to review my accomplishments for the year. It is so important to think back on your successes. So frequently we (or at least I) think about what to do different, better, what I didn’t accomplish and don’t think about all of the things that we did do. So here’s my list:

#1 on my list. Give birth to a beautiful baby boy. Most of my year was spent being pregnant and preparing to add to our family. The pregnancy and birth went well and now we have a wonderful baby boy.

#2 Decrease the debt in our company by about 30K

#3 Parent my older son and daughter well. Okay, so who knows if you are doing a good job, but to my knowledge my 15 year old son hasn’t taken any drugs, had sex with anyone or cut class and he did get almost a 4.0 in his first semester of high school. My 3 year old daughter on the other had has been more of a challenge. When the baby arrived a devil child inhabited her body and she hasn’t been the same since. Each day she recovers slightly and we are hoping for a full recovery at some point before she turns 18, but before the baby came she was a perfect angel (most of the time).

Next up: my goals for 2012. Stay tuned…

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